World War Two Attacks on America’s West Coast

Japanese Submarines There is very little written about the three separate incidents during World War Two in which attacks were carried out along the west coast of the United States. The action in the Pacific War was taking place far from America’s shores and, while these incidents were reported on, the big news was happening …

New Mexico Guard / Bataan Memorial Museum

There is a small gem of a museum in Santa Fe New Mexico, operated by the New Mexico Guard which is a must stop for anyone interested in the military as well as the history of the New Mexico National Guard/ Militia. The Bataan Memorial Museum is one of the more interesting New Mexico museums…a …

Balloon Bomb / World War Two

  World War Two is often times considered an event that occurred many miles away from the shores of North America. For the most part this is correct. German U-Boats operated not far off the shores of America and did indeed inflict damage to Allied merchant shipping. The action in the Gulf of Mexico is …