The Boat That Sank / The Robert E Lee and World War Two

Sometimes a name became so famous it finds itself attached to more than just one boat. Such was the case with the name of the famous Confederate General Robert E. Lee. One famous Mississippi steam boat was named the Robert E. Lee and much has been written about it’s famous race against the steamboat Natchez …

Jeremiah O’Brien Liberty Ship

World War Two Liberty Ships When you step on to the deck of the S.S. Jeremiah O’Brien you are stepping into history. The Jeremiah O’Brien will take you back to the era of World War Two. These were the times of Rosie The Riveter, bell-bottomed trousers, rationing and military mobilization in the scale the world …

The Norden Bombsight and German Espionage

Trips Into History takes a look at the Norden Bombsight which enabled World War Two bombers to have as much precision as possible during the conflict. Known as the “Blue Ox“, the Norden Bombsight apparatus was used by the U.S. Navy during World War Two and by the Air Force during both the Korean and …