The Theater Washed Away By a River / The Eagle Theater of Sacramento California

In 1849, there were essentially two types of people who frequented Sacramento California. Those who worked hard all day digging or panning for gold up in the Sierra Nevada foothills, and those selling things to these prospectors. Both would make a lot of money although the majority would have been those who sold to the …

The California State Military Museum and the State’s Volunteer Union Company

The California State Military Museum is a gem of a military museum. This venue is the official state of California museum for everything military. California has a very extensive military history. From the early Spaniard colonization, to the Mexican rule during the early 1800’s, to the occupation of United States troops in 1848. Because of …

Steam Locomotives of the Historic Central Pacific Railroad

The Central Pacific Railroad operated the last western segment of the first transcontinental railroad in the U.S. The railroad was built between California and Utah. It was the Central Pacific Railroad that had the formidable task of building a railroad line over the beautiful yet wild and rugged Sierra Nevada Mountains. There was no question …