Sonoma County California Getaways / Bodega Bay and Guerneville

Bodega Bay And Guerneville Having visited Sonoma County California several times, what many refer to as Wine Country, I can tell you there are manyl fun, picturesque and historic low cost side trips you can add to your visit. One of those is Bodega Bay which is due west of Santa Rosa on the coast. …

Hetch Hetchy / The Controversy

The Hetch Hetchy Valley on the northwest corner of beautiful Yosemite National Park was one of the most historic sites in California and for a variety of reasons. If you have studied the life and work of John Muir, arguably America’s premiere preservationist, then you know that Yosemite was one of his favorite places on …

History of Old Hollywood

The Hollywood Cowboys There are two interesting stories about two old Hollywood cowboys who enjoyed a good measure of success but had unexpected endings. This covered the era of both the silents and what were referred to as the talkies. The two names in this story are Buck Jones and Tom Mix. Interestingly enough, both …