The Mountain Men and the Fur Trappers Rendezvous

When looking for unique vacation ideas, a real trip into history is found at the several fur trapper rendezvous events held each year in the United States.For those wanting to learn more about the very early west and the fur trapping industry that led the westward advance, the fur rendezvous celebrations are an excellent place …

The Explosion of the Steamboat Pennsylvania and the Missing Engineer

The history of steamboats is fascinating. Steamboats helped America expand westward. It was able to travel where there were no roads. It carried people and needed supplies to hard to reach places. During the mid 1800’s, this remarkable invention in transportation had only one problem, and it was a big problem. It’s boilers could and …

Crossing the Atlantic With Marconi’s Wireless / A Trip Into History

I have always found the story of Guglielmo Marconi’s success in transmitting the first wireless communication across the Atlantic Ocean very fascinating. You could say that Marconi’s first successful radio experiment activated a bell over a short distance. The experiment most remember Guglielmo Marconi for today was his transmission of a telegraph radio signal over …